Thursday, February 12, 2009


1128 days ago

One of the few days in my life when I didn't set foot out. I spent my day on the computer, looking through job offers, chating to my brother and my mum. I cleaned a bit around the house too, had a late breakfast around 11:00 and a big salad at 5pm.

My habits have changed completely and not for better. I'm wasting too much time and I should find reasons to go out. Monday I just paid a visit to my Lebanese friend Gazou and Anne Sophie, who's a young American diplomat, joined for a girls' chat. Had some Havana Club rum Gazou brought from her Xmas trip to Cuba.

Tonight my Haitian upstairs neighbour visited me - Patricia. It was the first time, before we just had brief encounters. She has a Master Degree in Communication from here and it didn't help her much.

I'm thinking more and more to work for a NGO, as communication doesn't give many opportunities to foreigners to enter the work market.

Tomorrow I'm going to see the photographer who took my retro pictures, I'm looking forward to it.

Talking about pomegranates last night with Anne Sophie, she mentioned this was the fruit Hades gave to Persephone to get her to stay in the Underworld. I had completely forgot about it.

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