Thursday, February 12, 2009


1130 days ago

The week in the mountains was rather quiet, less time outside than I wanted, anyway we were in a house area, on the hill, in the forest, but all roads and nothing else. We went on the slide a few times, which was fun anyway, and walked to the village.

Going to bed too late (I couldn't have slept because of the noise anyway), waking up in the middle of the day, eating and drinking all the time. After New Year we were fewer, so we had some nice/smart ass talks around the fire until night was turning into day. I got to know a few more Romanians I feel close to: Delia, Amalia, Bogdan and Calin.

I guess I'm over the time when making noise was a kind of fun. I need to do something, playing cards and giving punishments to the losers all night wasn't appealing at all. Anyway, time flew and on January 4 we came back. I was out for a bit more than two weeks, plenty of time to cut off with reality and getting ready to start all over.

DRAWING THE LINE FOR 2005: above all things, I LOST MY FATHER, August 29, and this cannot be changed. We never spent enough time together and I know every now and then the gaps in our relationship will hurt as deeply as ever. I had to go to Romania for one week - except the 3 days by the sea it was quite stressful, too much pressure that continues because of the inheritance. I miss my mother and sister a lot.

I started WORKING on January 24, up to November 18. Ten months during which I haven't learned much on the job, just earned a living and got able to put on paper my first Canadian experience. Overall I think it was a win/win situation.

I MOVED BY MYSELF August 27, and I like my place. I had almost nothing and with my souvenirs hanging on the walls, a few gifts, second hand and Ikea stuff, I managed to give it a cozy and original look. I never lived alone before.

Many of the FRIENDS I made upon my arrival stayed on and I keep on meeting great people (like my newly acquired Brazilians). My Spanish conversation group became a funtastic group of friends.

I had a tentative RELATIONSHIP with an anglophone from Ottawa that didn't last long - different mentality and culture after all. I learned from it and now I'm focusing on myself as life is too short. Grew a bit bitter maybe although inside I'm still a big sentimental.

I VOLUNTEERED for the Festival of Films about Art, the Nouveau Cinema Festival and the UN Conference about Climate Changes which allowed me to see a few good movies and meet a few good people.

I TRAVELLED three times to the Adirondacks (US) and went hiking there, few times to Ottawa, two to Quebec City, saw a bit more of the Montreal surroundings, learned a bit more about Quebec and Canada. A really beautiful country, a bit far from the world though. Ended the year in beauty with a 9 days trip to New York and Philadelphia, a good reason to see some old times friends.

NOW I need to find another job and go back to school in autumn. The rest is under control.

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