Thursday, February 12, 2009


495 days ago

A friend told me about a book: "Eat, Pray, Love", by Elizabeth Gilbert. The story of her 1 year trip in Italy (Eat), India (Pray) and Bali - Indonesia (Love), after a painful divorce.

Lucky her, that she had the money to fly to Italy right away to learn Italian and enjoy the food, to continue to an ashram (I bet it had air conditioning) and to beautiful Bali, straight into the arms of a Brazilian 18 years older who couldn't wait to love this 30's blond American. Give me a break! She's a writer for the "Sex and the City" characters. Smart but easy.

I really enjoyed the NY Times opinion.

And this quote by a fortuneteller reading her palm:

"You have more good luck than anyone I've ever met. You will live a long time, have many friends, many experiences. . . . You only have one problem in your life. You worry too much."

I think this applies to myself. And the story of her life could be mine a little.

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