Thursday, February 12, 2009


470 days ago

All this American fuss, anything works as long as it makes you shop, it's amazing how many pumpkin images are around, I feel bombed with pumpkins! Good for the kids though.

What I care about is the ROMANIAN FILM FESTIVAL - Yahoooooooooo!, at Cinema du Parc, starting this very Friday. I'll go see Restul e tacere/The Rest is Silence by one of my favourite directors: Nae Caranfil, I miss him Unfortunately between school, work and my next week trip to Mexico I won't have time for Cocosul decapitat/The Beheaded Rooster, by Radu Gabrea or Niki Ardelean, colonel în rezerva/Niki & Flo by a Romanian cinema sacred monster, Lucian Pintilie.

I was lucky to see "4 luni, 3 saptamâni si 2 zile"/ "4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days" at Festival du Nouveau Cinema (the best in Montréal and one of the best in the world, I bet, considering the quality of the films, although this year I didn't pick anything good, except documentary "Samba!" by Adam Stepan and the acceptable "Deficit" by Gael Garcia Bernal. What a poignant film! What a technique, beyond the sulfurous illegal abortion subject! It's a drama but at times it feels like a thriller, maybe that's what Communism was to us, thanks God I was too young at that time, 15 in 1989!

I prefer "California Dreamin'" though, a sad comedy, a funny drama, whatever you wanna call it. Armand Assante wasn't that great, actually his character was supposed not to show too much, so it's hard to say. But Razvan Vasilescu...he's such a great actor, so charismatic and versatile, I hope to be able to see him on stage again when I go back home...what's home, once more, where's home?

It's where these films were made too.

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