Thursday, February 12, 2009


859 days ago

Is hard to do it, give up all the exciting opportunities, the outings, all the things I could do in Montréal. School here is more serious than in Romania, more demanding and I really have to put up with it, I cannot play by ear, like a Gypsy musician.

Home we're just too used to improvise all the time, in any given situation, which has a lot of positive sides, but...

So this is my main preoccupation right now, trying to change my mind set and learning to study.

On Tuesday there was the benefit night for our Gypsy festival It came out right, there were many people, the show was good, hopefully we should get the money to go further.

I'm living tomorrow - Saturday, for the lovely area of the Eastern Townships, not far from Montréal, with my "United Nations" gang. Thanksgiving turkey dinner on Sunday!

And on the 16th I have my first "mid-term" - critical presentation of a book in front of the class for 20 minutes and five written pages. Have no clue about what and how to do it, I printed a lot of adviced from the net for it.

I'm also slightly nervous because someone from Italy I was very fond of might come in November for a few days - most probably professional reasons. He didn't get back to me yet with the details. I wonder how it will feel after more than 3 years and me going through so much: love pain, Canada immigration, my father's loss, unemployment, I probably grew inside more than I can tell.

Anyway, my master studies are becoming the center of my life now, slowly, as I also work full time. But I already started cutting on my social life. It actually feels good to be back in school, damn good!

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