Thursday, February 12, 2009


1071 days ago

And it feels like I was cursed or something. From Monday to Wednesday I worked in a film production company as a receptionist, I was supposed to do it for 4 weeks, 3 days a week. Not much money but enough for rent. Today they let me know that Monday there will be an ex-employee coming, who's also enemployed and is a mother, etc., etc. As if it wasn't enough, I got another letter from the unemployment agency saying they won't pay me at all because I didn't send them the form asking me for the schedule of my master courses. As I didn't subscribe to any course yet, only made an admission request, of course I didn't fill it out.

So tomorrow I'll go there again with the list of all jobs I applied for and the damn form.

It's hard to keep from crying, actually I am crying, as right now I only see closed doors around me. It's hard to keep hope and keep fighting, by myself, not knowing how will I pay rent next months. God is my only hope, knowing that He never let me down so far.

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