Thursday, February 12, 2009


1056 days ago

I had a successful interview this morning. I wonder if they've even seen someone else. A communications company, in the middle of the city, very classy, with many government and cultural connections. Nice old fashioned offices, not the shiny impersonal cubist spaces of nowadays.

Starting on Monday I will be executive assistant to the president. With the possibility of getting involved in projects as part of the team. I guess it is good, but after all the ups and downs I had lately I'm afraid of enjoying too much. Plus, what will happen to my great plans of going back to school? Time will tell.

The funny part is how I got there. Volunteering for the Intl Festival of Films on Art I was sent to this company offices to give a hand for the avant-première organization. I spent two days there and worked very well with the person. He was very impressed and thanked me every time he saw me. So I left my resume with him and Monday when I called as a reminder, I was told they have an open position. Out of the blue! My predecessor left suddenly Friday. So the administration manager told me he'll take a look at my CV. And today I had the interview and we agreed. I have to say this year the festival was my lucky star.

In the evening I saw Molière en hiver - Le Misanthrope sur le fond d'une piscine de quartier desafectée. In this one the French playwriter was mocking the hypocrisy of the court people at the times of Louis XIV. Not different from our jet set beautiful people. I liked it a lot, and not only because the director is Romanian. The young Québec actors were impressive, juggling with grace with the alexandrines. It's a shame they have to work as waiters or sell shoes to make ends meet. I decided to go see more plays by Cristina Iovita, she's one of this Don Quijotes who practices her art against all odds.

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