Thursday, February 12, 2009


70 days ago

September 2004, as I got to Canada - he departed less than a year after, but his words stay and comfort me, beyond time.

Farewell, my daughter

You are not going that far and you're strong and striving, so I'm not afraid for you. But I wish that polyglot and ecumenical angels watch over you and may multicultural divinities understand and protect you.

Maybe you won't be always happy but, as given and bearable to the man (and to the wo-man, the female side of it), only every now and then. But I am sure you will always be lively, attentive and creative, and this should fill your life. Which life is full especially when you live its joys and pains, when you taste the good and the bad. There's nothing more stupid and sterile than an always happy optimist.

Don't always wish for the presence, the care or the love of the others: your most precious treasure is your strength of thinking ceaselessly and trying to understand, even throughout the deepest solitude, the world we live in. You won't succeed, nobody did so far, but you will try, which is everything and something more.

Radu father

Drum bun, fata tatii!

Nu pleci asa departe, si esti puternica si razbatatoare, deci nu mi-e frica pentru tine. Dar iti doresc sa te vegheze ingeri poligloti si ecumenici, divinitati multiculturale sa te inteleaga si sa te ocroteasca.

Poate ca n-o sa fi fericita mereu ci, cum e dat si suportabil omului (si oamei, adica omului de parte femeiasca !), doar din cind in cind. Dar sunt sigur c-o sa fi mereu vie, atenta si creativa, ceea ce iti va umple viata. Care viata e plina mai ales atunci cind ii traiesti bucuriile dar si
necazurile, cind ii gusti si binele, dar si raul. Nimic mai stupid si mai steril decit un optimist mereu fericit !

Nu-ti dori totdeauna prezenta, simpatia si nici dragostea celorlalti: bunul cel mai de pret e puterea ta de a gindi neobosit si de a incerca sa intelegi, chiar si in cea mai deplina singuratate, lumea in care traiesti.Nu vei reusi, n-a facut-o nimeni pina acum, dar vei incerca, ceea ce e totul si inca ceva.

Tata Radu

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