Thursday, February 12, 2009


170 days ago

I feel like being on stand-by right now, left here and waiting for something to happen. Something else, although maybe I am supposed to make a move. Get serious about working on my thesis, for a start and decide what I want to do with my future, what I really want from life, instead of just living it. I think I’ve been just too passive nowadays, saying Yes! to all possible things to do, except getting to work on the most important thing.

Somehow I know I have to stop running around, on the other hand my natural lack of patience and restlessness keep me on the run.

I kept myself plugged to Uruguay lately, I saw a great bittersweet movie called “El baño del papa”, another one called “El Ultimo Tren” – both about simple people trying to make a change in their lives, go against the flow no matter what is costs. I liked both of them, they’re very touching. I also attended two national day celebrations, a community picnic with asado, tortas fritas, tango and candombe in Parc Angrignon and a formal reception in hotel meeting room. Uruguayans still amaze me through their kindness and generosity.

The week-end before I was in Toronto with my boyfriend, basically to see his brother and family, I didn’t know what to expect but finally I felt I could consider them family too. No pressure, a warm welcome, we did have a good time, except the Greyhound trip, that left us stranded in Ottawa at 1am, waiting for the next connecting bus that came at 7am. Quite an unforgettable and unforgivable night. Next time it will definitely be Coach Canada.

I liked Toronto, the biggest and busiest city in Canada, a normal American metropolis. The Royal Ontario Museum is beautiful and has an impressive multicultural art collection, much bigger than anything in Montreal, the Ontario Lake looks huge and the harbor is packed with terraces, restaurants and bars, exotic food stalls, a colorful craft market. I liked the street cars and the Korean grill restaurant on Yonge Street where you grill your own stripes of the chosen meat. The weather was gorgeous and I was so happy to see my best friend Laura who left Montreal a while ago. She’s single now, she paints and takes flamenco classes, I miss her, she understands me better than anyone else, and it’s not only about being Romanian. I was glad to get to spend an evening alone with her and I was glad Adrian understood this. I was glad they liked each other; after all she’s the closest person I have in Canada, even if we met here. I wish I had more time to explore China town or some Caribbean neighbourhood.

My “brother-in-law”, Eduardo, took me and Adrian to Niagara, it was more of a courtesy to me, as Adrian had already been there. The falls are beautiful, two white masses of water and foam set amongst green banks, with spray floating in the air like thin fog, but the city by it is a terrible combination of Las Vegas and Luna Park, with at least 5 wax museums, a Frankenstein castle and a Dracula one, accompanied by scary prices everywhere.

This would be the present picture, waiting for the summer to take its last breath and give way to autumn. We’ll be going camping to Mont Tremblant – Lac Chat this week-end with some Romanian friends, I’m looking so much forward to get away from the city for a while.

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